'moon landing' by Margo Selby and Helen Caddick | Watch Official Video


The final process film of 'moon landing' is now available for viewing. This video edit reveals the full installation in situ at Somerset House, a live performance of Helen Caddick's moon landing by a string sextet, and the artist and composer's reaction to the final work.


'Moon Landing' features Margo Selby's first site-specific installation, an immersive work that includes a suspended handwoven textile alongside a newly composed string music piece by Helen Caddick.

Situated within the Stamp Stairwell at Somerset House, visitors can ascend and descend the spiraling stairs taking in the full detail of approximately 16m handwoven piece, and follow how the abstracted blocks of colour constantly shift and alter to reflect the journey of the music.

 Moon Landing by Helen Caddick

View works by Margo Selby here.