The Triskelion Series is inspired by the Celts reverence for trios, the triskele, meaning “three legs”, represents a tale of forward motion to reach understanding and acceptance of Irish identity...
The Triskelion Series is inspired by the Celts reverence for trios, the triskele, meaning “three legs”, represents a tale of forward motion to reach understanding and acceptance of Irish identity in the UK. Moving outwards from its central axis the form’s motion represent cycles of change and action, the cyclical nature of the female body, and life – death – rebirth. The Triskelion Series celebrates artistic skill and craftmanship, with an appreciation of early Irish art history – including the Neolithic stone carvings at the Newgrange megalithic tomb and Bronze and Iron Age metalwork, specifically the Broighter Collar. While also commemorating the role of women in Irish mythology and recent steps forward for women rights and equality in Ireland, notably the decriminalisation of abortion in 2018. The Triskele demonstrates and celebrates unique skill and craftmanship in ceramics. With an awareness and appreciation of the historical, it looks both backwards and forwards as it aims to celebrate